When: October 1 - 29th from 3:30 to 6:30 pm and a mandatory training session on September 24th from 4-6pm Where: EcoHouse, 22 Veevers Dr., Hamilton, ON Contact: Liesel Knight-Messenger Contact Email: naturekids@greenventure.ca Contact Phone: (289) 880-0761 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Join our Fall Nature Kids program on Tuesday evenings this October from 3:30 to 6:30 as we have fun exploring and learning about the outdoors. Volunteers will have the experience to actively guide children through various fun and engaging environmental-themed activities! From crafts to games to science experiments, you’ll get to enjoy your time outside along with our Nature Kids Participants! Volunteers will be trained in advance on September 24th so you’ll have all the need-to-know information on the activities, scheduling, and protocol for Nature Kids!


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