These blogs will be transferred to the new website.

Laidlaw United Church in front of a bright sky

Community Planning for a Community Planting

Embracing Greener Spaces: Cultivating a Sustainable Vision through Community Planning Living Cities with Green Community Canada Green Venture is participating in the Living Cities project sponsored by Green Communities Canada to bring accessible green spaces to Hamilton! With additional funding from ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Corporate Community Fund, Green Cities Foundation, Rain Haven, Reactine, and Tree Canada,…

Rain Barrels: A Sustainable Fundraiser for Green Venture. An image of two rain barrels and a diverter against a background of rain drops on glass

Rain Barrels: A Sustainable Fundraiser for Green Venture

Purchase a rain barrel and support the annual Green Venture fundraiser! Why Rain Barrels? Rain barrels offer a simple yet effective way to conserve water and reduce runoff. By collecting rainwater, they provide a free and sustainable source of water for gardens, lawns, and even household chores like washing cars. This reduces the strain on…

Rethinking Mother's Day Gifts title against a pink background with tulips

Rethinking Mother’s Day Gifts

As Mother’s Day approaches, the age-old question resurfaces: What gift can truly capture the essence of appreciation and love for the mothers in our lives? While flower bouquets and plant baskets have long been popular choices, there’s a growing awareness of the ecological impact of these gifts, particularly when they contain invasive species. Let’s explore…

Title reads, "permeable surface options in ontario" against a background of gravel

Permeable Surface Options in Ontario

April showers bring May flowers … and stormwater runoff! Rainwater and melting snow flowing over solid surfaces in our city carries pollutants like chemicals, litter, and pet waste into our creeks and waterways. Stormwater runoff also contributes to an increased risk of flooding, erosion, water pollution and habitat degradation. When the amount of runoff exceeds…

Ask the Experts

Ask the Experts – Mini Consultations for a Greener Home Join Green Venture for our upcoming “Ask the Experts” event! This unique and engaging event will provide you with the opportunity to connect with knowledgeable and experienced landscaping and home retrofit professionals.   What to Expect: Meet and interact with a diverse group of landscaping,…

living land acknowledgement mural

Living Land Acknowledgment mural unveiling

Green Venture is proud to partner with Kahnekanoron to present a Living Land Acknowledgment language mural project.   Mural artist Wolfaz of the Gayogohono Nation from Six Nations of the Grand River has created three beautiful new interactive murals on the grounds of EcoHouse. The murals are made possible through grant funding from the Government…

A beautiful city mural with a garden in front

Self-Guided Tour of Rain Gardens on Barton St E

Barton St is blooming! Explore the neighbourhood gardens using this self-guided tour guide. Green Venture has worked with community partners over the years to install four green spaces along Barton St and one large pollinator garden at Good Shepherd Venture Centre on Cannon St. Green spaces have various proven environmental and health benefits and have…