About the Gardening Club

Green Venture’s Urban Gardening Club offers workshops, volunteer opportunities, and occasional experiential group outings. 

This free club is a friendly and inclusive space for you to meet like-minded individuals and improve your gardening literacy. Our workshops focus on environmentally-conscious urban gardening.

Garden club members can use the knowledge they learn at the meetings to support green spaces around the city. Green Venture offers various volunteer opportunities throughout the year for folks of different skill levels and interests.

Lastly, we have occasional stewardship-related outings such as bird walks, litter cleanups, or trips to community events.

This program is made possible by funds from the City Enrichment Fund and the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Skills Strategy. 

Community Forum

Join the Community Forum:

Want to reach the next level of engagement? Sign-up to join the conversation about stewardship in Hamilton by clicking the link to join our Slack Channel. All you need is an email that you don’t mind having visible to others.

Team Wife Homestead Co-Owner Shows Preserves

Get Involved

Become a member: To RSVP to an event or workshop, register as a club member and you will receive more information. Members will receive periodic newsletters and calendar invites with the event details.

Join Green Venture's Urban Gardening Club

* indicates required
People gathered in plant shop for Urban Gardening Club

Become a speaker: Interested in sharing your knowledge with the group? Feel free to contact stewardship@greenventure.ca to discuss what you are interested in sharing. We’d be happy to have you!

Sponsor us: We would love your support. Please consider sponsoring a workshop to support the costs associated with speakers and supplies. A sponsorship package is available upon request for more details about sponsorship options and information about what your organization will receive in return.

Volunteer: There are a handful of green spaces that are maintained by volunteers. Help keep these gardens clean and vibrant! Volunteering is self-led and self-paced, meaning that you can choose a commitment that works well for you. We appreciate all contributions!

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Gardening Club: 

The Gardening Club meets every other Thursday and Saturday. Meetings alternate between different locations and could include: the Barton BIA office, Barton library, EcoHouse and Pinch. View the calendar for upcoming Green Venture events and Gardening Club meetings.

Other volunteer opportunities: 

View our events calendar to see other workshops and stewardship activities coming up.

Gardening for Birds workshop

Hamilton Stewardship Network

The Gardening Club is part of the Hamilton Stewardship Network, which is a program that helps volunteers and local residents care for depave gardens, tree planting sites, pollinator patches, raingardens, and more. Green Venture developed a database of resources, and tools to help create a greener city.

We aim to support and empower:

This will help increase biodiversity, improve canopy cover and increase community wellbeing and nature connection in Hamilton. 

Green Spaces in Hamilton Databases

Green Venture is proud to work with community partners to keep Hamilton clean and green. Explore other stewardship programs and green spaces in Hamilton on the interactive maps featured on their websites.

Some of our partners are:

Neighbor to Neighbor Centre (Explore Community Gardens)

Beautiful Alleys (Explore Alleys and Parks)

Hamilton Naturalist Club (Explore Pollinator Patches)

Mohawk Sustainability (Explore Green Spaces on their Bee City Certified Fennell Campus)

and more! They all offer ways to get involved/volunteer! Please reach out to them directly if you want to learn more.

Explore green spaces associated with Green Venture on the map below!

Stewardship Resources

Obtaining Sustainable Native Plants Resources

Native Plant Nursery Directory

    • Find where to buy native plants near you
Gardening Resources

Pollinator Gardening

  • Find out how to create and register a pollinator garden

Gardening for Birds

  • Make a bird-friendly garden

Rain Gardening

  • Find out more about rain gardens

Growing Native Plant Gardens FAQs

  • Beginner’s guide to creating a native plant garden
Water and Green Infrastructure Stewardship Resources

Green Venture Rain Gardening Programs

Watershed Stewardship

  • Learn more about watershed stewardship around Hamilton