When: Fri, June 14, 2024 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am Where: Gibson School Lofts- Parking Lot in the back, 601 Barton Street East, Hamilton, ON L8L3A3 Contact: Liz Enriquez Contact Email: liz.enriquez@greenventure.ca Contact Phone: (905) 540-8787 Open Volunteer Spots: 19

Help with the “Adopt a Planter Box” program created by Green Venture, in partnership with Barton BIA and Beautiful Alleys.  These planter boxes feature native perennial plants that support local pollinators.  The plants are naturally adapted to the climate and soil conditions of Ontario which means they require less maintenance, such as watering and fertilizing, once established.


Tasks include:

  1. Preparing plant kits at 601 Barton Street East to distribute to businesses along Barton St
  2. Delivering planter kits on Barton St to businesses between Emerald St and Sherman St
  3. Helping to plant in the planter boxes



Please complete our volunteer waiver before you sign up!


What to Bring / Wear: Be sure to wear closed-toed shoes and long pants. Bring a reusable water bottle to refill at our water station. We will provide garden gloves, hand shovels, and other tools. Please feel free to bring your own gloves and tools.

Transportation + Parking: Green Venture encourages active and sustainable transportation. The 02 route stops directly at the site, and there is street parking available on the premises.

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