When: You pick a date and time to visit a location Where: Around the City, Hamilton, ON Contact: Liz Enriquez Contact Email: stewardship@greenventure.ca Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited


A catch basin is installed for drainage and is part of a city’s stormwater infrastructure. It collects stormwater runoff and is connected to the sewer system in a combined system or specifically to storm sewers that flow directly into the waterway. If there is too much debris or sediment in the sump it may cause the pipes to become clogged, leading to surface flooding the next time there is a large amount of stormwater runoff.

A “Catch Basin Ambassador” removes leaves and debris from City drains to prevent flooding and other issues. Catch basins should be checked before and after heavy rain or snow to make sure that it is clear and stormwater runoff will be able to get into the system. The fall and spring are important times to check catch basins because they are more likely to get clogged.

You create your own schedule and let Green Venture know when you plan to go out on your “Ambassador” shift.

Benefits of being a Catch Basin Ambassador: 

    • Get fresh air on your walk
    • Reduce surface flooding in your community
    • Make a difference in the city


  • Never clean the top of a catch basin with your bare hands, always use a rake, broom, or shovel and wear gloves.
  • Wear bright colours or a safety vest to be visible to drivers and cyclists, and only clean a catch basin during the day.
  • Stay on the sidewalk as much as possible and be aware of incoming traffic.
  • Make sure you are working in pairs and have someone watch for traffic and other hazards.
  • Do not remove the grate from the catch basin.
  • Place leaves and garbage in bags and remove from the site, avoid pushing debris into the catch basin.
  • Watch out for hazardous material such as needles, glass, or deceased wildlife.
  • If you find needles/syringes, leave them on the ground and call the City of Hamilton at 905-546-2489.
  • Call Animal Services at 905-5743433 to report a dead animal.
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