When: Sat, May 7, 2022 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Where: Good Shepherd Venture Centre Food Bank, 155 Cannon St E, Hamilton, ON L8L 2A6 Contact: Helena Cousins Contact Email: depave@greenventure.ca Open Volunteer Spots: 6

Parking lot with sign that reads "Good Shepherd Venture Centre"

Join us as we transform under-used pavement at Good Shepherd Venture Centre into 2 vibrant gardens!

On September 25th, Green Venture teamed up with the Beasley Neighbourhood Association and the Friendly Streets Initiative—a partnership between Cycle Hamilton and Environment Hamilton, to Depave Good Shepherd! Volunteers came together to tear up asphalt by hand and free the soil!

Now we’re ready to get planting!


Why Depave?

Hard impermeable urban surfaces interrupt the natural water cycle by preventing rain water from soaking into the ground. When rainwater flows over pavement it picks up a wide range of polluting materials, including motor oil, anti-freeze, tire residue, pet waste and cigarette butts. Green spaces help filter and absorb polluted storm water. Join fellow community members in planting two long garden beds full of native trees and perennials!

Learn more about the Depave Paradise program here


What to Bring and Wear:

Please wear long sleeves and pants, dress appropriate for the weather (rain or shine!), and expect to get dirty! Closed toed shoes are mandatory. You are welcome to bring your favourite gardening tool and gloves, but tools, gloves, safety equipment and a safety briefing, as well as light refreshments will be provided! 

Please bring your own reusable water bottle.

Parking is available on-site.

Masks are encouraged when physical distancing cannot be maintained.


If you are interested in having a more involved and/or supervisory volunteer role, please send an expression of interest to Helena at depave@greenventure.ca!


Please complete our volunteer waiver before you sign up!



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