Our rain barrel sale is on! We’ve partnered with Rainbarrel.ca to get more rain barrels to Hamilton and surrounding areas.
When: June 2023
Where: Home delivery to any address in Hamilton, ON (fee of $10 per barrel)
What: Affordable and sturdy rain barrels and downspout diverters and connection hoses are available.
Click here to order.
Why invest in a rain barrel?
CATCH the RAIN: When it rains, it pours! A rain barrel helps you catch and store those precious millimeters for watering later on. Using stored rainwater to water gardens lowers your water & wastewater treatment bill and is better for your plants!
In a big rainfall, a significant amount of rainwater hits your roof and runs off to different areas of your property like your lawn, garden and driveway via your downspouts. The main purpose of a downspout is to direct rainwater away from the foundation of your home to prevent flooding. However, that rainwater often rushes to the closest sewer and can overload the sewer system during a big storm. Rain barrels hold back some of that water during rain events to prevent water rushing into our storm sewers and into Hamilton Harbour.
Click here to purchase your rain barrel!
* Rain barrel purchase includes leaf and mosquito filter basket, spigot (tap), overflow adaptor and overflow hose.