Green Venture July Events

EcoHouse Stewardship Help us with maintenance and gardening projects around EcoHouse on Tuesdays and Wednesdays! Register to help on: Tuesdays from 5:00 – 6:30pm or Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:30 am More Details Strategic Engagement Survey Green Venture is developing a new strategic plan. Your feedback will help us strengthen our organization and create a…

View from ground of plants and flowers with blue sky and sun above. Title says, "June events."

Green Venture June Events

Barton Stewardship Strolls Join us for one or all of our biweekly Stewardship Strolls starting Sunday, June 2nd from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Our Sunday Stewardship Strolls invite everyone to explore the beautiful native gardens, stay active, and keep Barton St. blooming! Register Now EcoHouse Stewardship Help us with maintenance and gardening projects around…

White flowers in grass behind a title saying May Events

Green Venture May Events

Community Stewardship Events Help us take care of green spaces around the city. With weekly events throughout the month of May, there are opportunities for gardeners of all ages to be involved and get their hands in the dirt.  May 2: Our Lady of Vietnam Church Stewardship  May 3: EcoHouse Stewardship May 4: Lake Ave.…

April Events banner against background of blooming flowers and a butterfly

Green Venture April Events

MacChangers Final Project Showcase Monday, April 1st, 2024 from 3:00-6:00pm MacChangers are dedicated to tackling real issues within the Hamilton community. Attend their final presentations on various community-enriching projects. Get Tickets Rain Barrel Sale Deadline Our Annual Green Venture Rain Barrel Sale closes on April 6th. Support Green Venture and begin harvesting rain water at…

March Events banner in front of a picture of EcoHouse covered in snow

Green Venture March Events

Energy Efficiency Webinar Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 at 1:00pm Register for this virtual learning session hosted by the Green Venture Energy Team, featuring special guest Dave Braden. They will provide guidance on practical renovations that can make your home more comfortable while saving on your monthly energy bills. Register for Webinar Urban Gardening Club Thursday,…

Green Venture February Events

Seedy Saturday Join us for the the 13th annual Seedy Saturday!  Saturday, February 3, 2024 10am – 3pm at the Hamilton Central Library, 4th floor 55 York BLVD, Hamilton, ON Winter Commute Month The City of Hamilton is encouraging the use of alternative forms of commuting to reduce the number of vehicles on our city…

Green Venture Upcoming Events

Seedy Saturday Join us for the the 13th annual Seedy Saturday!  Saturday, February 3, 2024 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. at the Hamilton Central Library, 4th floor 55 York BLVD, Hamilton, ON Urban Gardening Club January 18th 2024, 6-8pm Where: Pinch Bakery and Plant Shop, 183 Sherman Ave N Topic: Native Plants and Green Infrastructure…

Green Venture’s Year in Review, 2021

2021 was a year of growth and development at Green Venture. We saw our community rallying around local Climate Action in a myriad of ways.  Eco-Education Province-wide shutdowns, school closures and climate fears and eco-anxiety hit youth in our community hard. During this difficult time, we saw demand grow for environmental education programs that could…

Spring Brings Change at Green Venture!

Announcing Green Venture’s new Executive Director, Giuliana Casimirri! Green Venture is excited to announce the appointment of incoming Executive Director Giuliana Casimirri, effective April 15th! Giuliana brings over 15 years of experience in environmental outreach, research, and nonprofit management. For the past 5 years, Giuliana was Executive Director of Oakvillegreen and previously coordinator of urban…