Dark Black and Green Background, with a white border. Text reads “ All About Waste in the Fashion Industry. A high school co-op student post. “At the bottom left to the right are images of a shirt on fire, a machine in front of a landfill, an earth with a thermometer, and CO2 emissions coming from a factory.

All About Waste in the Fashion Industry  

The only constant in fashion is that it is always changing. The fashion industry is a multibillion-dollar worldwide sector dedicated to the production and sale of clothing.     Fashion trends come in and out constantly, so retailers and the fashion industry are under constant pressure to produce trendy clothing. This leads to fast-fashion and overproduction…

We Love Thrifting

As businesses open up and store hours return to normal. More people will begin shopping for clothes. Going to the mall with friends or a weekend family trip shopping. As much as we love shopping, next time try your neighborhood thrift store. Keep reading and we’ll show you how it can be just as fun…

Eco-Friendly Event Hosting

The holiday season is fast approaching, and many of us are eager to socialize. With Thanksgiving only days away, it looks like public health restrictions will allow us to have moderately-sized gatherings. Like everything we do, these gatherings have an environmental footprint associated with them. We would like to share with you our favourite tips…

Zero Waste Parties

Zero Waste (or Lower Waste) Parties for Kids   As things begin to open back up and many kids return to school, we may start seeing an increase in an event that has been a distant memory for many of us: children’s birthday parties with other people present. As much as our Kindergartener loved his…