Presenting: The Power to Change!

Climate change talk is everywhere! The city of Hamilton declared a climate emergency this past spring, and many Hamilton students have joined in climate strikes. Our “Power to Change” presentation links personal energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, to give students a broad picture of what climate change is, and what personal actions we can…

Pledge: The Power to Change!

Reducing our personal energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions, can feel very difficult and overwhelming. As part of the “Power to Change” campaign, we have provided people of all ages with simple actions they can take to tackle climate change. These actions cover a range of lifestyle changes related to food, transportation, home heating, shopping…

The Power to Change: en Français!

“Do you offer any school programs in French?” We have heard this question many times at the Green Venture Education Department. We are so excited to now offer the “Power to Change”  in-class activity kit for teachers, in the French language! Green Venture has had the privilege to host many students from french speaking classrooms,…