Sun reflecting off solar panels. Title says, "Solar 101."

Solar 101

The Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar Adapted from Green Venture and Ruth Cooper’s solar webinar here (slides and video).   Canada has committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (1). To avoid irreversible climate impacts, experts estimate that 75% of our energy must be from renewable energy or low carbon sources by 2050…

Circles with faces of new employees

Amir, Lukas, Tony and You.

Our Capacity is Growing We are gearing up for a busy season of home energy evaluations, and we’re excited to introduce our energy advisor trainees. Their role will consist of supporting homeowners that participate in the Greener Homes Grant & the Home Efficiency Rebate programs.  Our latest trainees bring together building science and home inspection…

Fall Into Energy Savings

As fall’s dazzling colours come and go, we know it’s time to prepare for shorter days and dropping temperatures. Below are some cost-free tips to help you worry less about your energy consumption at home and enjoy the beauty this season has to offer.  Your home’s thermostat: Sweater weather is here! Running your heating system…

EcoHouse at Home!

With the spread of COVID-19, everything is happening at home at these days! Working, playing, and learning are now all centered in our homes. Typically during March and April, Green Venture’s EcoHouse would be welcoming hundreds of students through its doors. Students would participate in games,activities and demonstrations, all in the hopes of inspiring action…

Water: Learn, Plan, Take Action!

Water has been the topic of many conversations in the City of Hamilton recently. How does our sewer system work? What happens to water during a storm event? Are there better ways to manage stormwater in the City of Hamilton? At Green Venture we work with the community to learn about stormwater, and how we…

Green Venture Volunteer Appreciation

On October 28th, Green Venture staff and volunteers came together to share a meal and celebrate the immense volunteer contributions of this past year. We enjoyed a delicious potluck dinner, with fabulous offerings from both staff and volunteers. Between April and October 2019, well over 800 hours of volunteer time were contributed! Our volunteers dedicated…