Fresh Air For Kids is Green Venture’s free, air quality themed education program. We have been running the program in partnership with Corr research since 2012 and are very excited to share some of the new things we have planned for 2023!
Since the start of the year, we’ve been fortunate enough to offer the program as a mix of virtual and in-person visits, allowing us to really connect with students when it’s possible. One of the really exciting things about this program is that it happens over multiple visits and allows us to really develop a relationship with our students and see them progress as they work towards making change.
This November we were able to go in person to St. David’s school and see two classes during the program, and we’re very excited to see what they do in the new year for their anti-idling campaign. We have some other schools signed on to participate after the holiday break, but there is still space for a few more in our exciting program.
New to 2023 we are introducing the optional filmmaking workshop for Fresh Air For Kids, an additional visit that can be fit in anywhere during the program. During this visit students get to learn about and engage with the principles of storytelling through visual media, before applying it to their very own air quality themed project!
Some of the video projects created as a result of the film-making workshop will be presented at Green Venture’s Clean Air Day event on June 7th, 2023. Clean Air Day is celebrated nationally and sponsored by Health Canada to recognize how important good air quality is to our health, our environment, and the economy. We are so excited to be hosting an event in Hamilton this year and are excited to bring the air quality message to the broader community Along with displaying students video creations of our Fresh Air For Kids participants will be invited to showcase all the hard work they did throughout the program, especially on their campaigns. Clean Air Day will run after school hours on June 7th so that as many people as possible can participate. We will invite all participants of the FAFK program to bring their family and friends, as well as members of the broader community, to celebrate their achievements throughout the year and learn more about how we can protect air quality in Hamilton.
We will be releasing more information soon.
To learn more about the Fresh Air For Kids program, and how to bring it to your school, click the link below!